Guangdong EPSEA Industrial Co., Ltd - Fujian EPSEA Indu


2023-10-04 16:51:14

【EPSEA NEWS】Air Compressor Event is successfully held at EPSEA FUJIAN

On 3 October 2023, EPSEA successfully held an Air Compressor Event at its manufacture center in Fujian.

In the era of intelligent manufacturing, the air compressor industry is facing great opportunities and challenges. In the changing and competitive market of the industry, EPSEA GROUP wants to empower its partners more support and establish great value.

Mr Lin Peiquan, Chairman of EPSEA, Mr Lin Peifeng, Group President of EPSEA, the sales team of Greater Bay Area branch, other relevant personnel and more than 100 representatives of air compressor industry in Wuping Fujian, attended the event and seeking more opportunists of development in air compressor industry and how to harvest more customers through good products.

Visiting EPSEA Manufacturing Centre
The guests visited EPSEA's production workshop and product display, get to know more about the upstream production lines and assembly lines of EPSEA's two divisions - Machinery Division and Filtration & Separation Division. Guests also gained a deeper understanding of EPSEA's production process links, equipment technology, and R&D capabilities.
The exhibits include air dryers, nitrogen generators, filtration&separation, pressure vessels, medium-temperature refrigerated air dryers and so on. According to the tour of the factory, the guests have rated it again from EPSEA’s brand strategy, full range of products and multi-dimensional technology.
Air Compressor Dealer Healthy Development Topic
Mr Lin Peiquan, Chairman of EPSEA, and Mr Lin Peifeng, Group President of EPSEA, shared their views on how air compressor dealers can sound development and how to get premium customers through high quality products, and focused on the growth opportunities for enterprises under the current situation, learn how to make changes, continue to improve, and win win together.

Through this event, we look forward to communicate closely, resource sharing, mutual benefit and healthy development in the future development of the industry.

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【EPSEA PRODUCTS】Six Advantages Six Guarantees - The Hardcore Technology of EPSEA's Gen 6th Super Cold Air Dryer